Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Time review (1)

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Time review (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 5 mathematics lesson focused on time, students are invited to revisit and consolidate their understanding of the various units of time and how they relate to one another. The lesson begins by asking if they recall the equivalent values of different time units, which are foundational to the concept of time. For example, one minute is equal to sixty seconds, one hour is comprised of sixty minutes, a day contains twenty-four hours, a week spans seven days, and a standard year consists of three hundred and sixty-five days. This knowledge forms the basis for further exploration of time measurement and is crucial for understanding more complex time-related concepts.

The lesson then progresses to identifying and explaining the different parts of a clock, which is a practical application of the previously discussed units of time. Students are introduced to the hour hand (labelled 'A'), which moves the slowest, completing one full rotation every twelve hours. The minute hand (labelled 'B') moves more quickly, making a full circuit in sixty minutes or one hour. Finally, the second hand (labelled 'C') is the fastest, spinning around the clock face once every sixty seconds or one minute. Through this exercise, students learn to read and interpret time on an analogue clock, reinforcing their understanding of hours, minutes, and seconds, and how to denote them with 'h', 'min', and 's' respectively.