Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Perimeter of shapes

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Perimeter of shapes
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 5 Workbook, students are encouraged to practice calculating the perimeter of various shapes. The exercises are designed to enhance their understanding of perimeter as the total distance around the edge of a polygon. Practice 1 prompts students to find the missing lengths of sides in different shapes, given the total perimeter. For example, with a total perimeter of 32 meters, students must determine the unknown side length of a shape by using subtraction and their knowledge of the other side lengths. Similarly, for shapes with perimeters of 60 meters and 74 centimeters, students must apply the same logical approach to find the lengths of the missing sides.

Further practice involves calculating the perimeter of shapes with equal sides. Students are provided with the number of sides and the length of one side, and they must multiply these to find the total perimeter. For instance, if a shape has several sides of equal length, the perimeter is found by multiplying the length of one side by the total number of sides. Additionally, there is an exercise where the total perimeter is given, and students must identify the missing side length of a shape with sides of equal length. This task requires students to divide the total perimeter by the number of sides to find the length of one side, demonstrating their understanding of the properties of regular polygons and the mathematical operations involved in perimeter calculations.