Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Calculating a rise or fall in temperature (2)

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Calculating a rise or fall in temperature (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a practical application of mathematics for Year 5 students, they are presented with a real-world scenario involving temperature changes. The problem sets the scene with an overnight temperature drop to a chilly −23°C, followed by a morning increase to a less frigid −5°C. Students are tasked with calculating the difference in temperature, or the 'rise' in this context. To find the solution, they are encouraged to count forwards from the overnight low up to the morning temperature.

The counting method is straightforward: starting at −23°C, students count up to −5°C, adding increments such as +3°C, +10°C, and +5°C until they reach the morning temperature. By summing these increments, they determine that the temperature has risen by 18 degrees. This exercise not only helps students practice counting in a real-life situation but also reinforces their understanding of negative numbers and how to work with them in calculations involving temperature changes.