Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Numbers up to 1000000 (1)

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Numbers up to 1000000 (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' curriculum for Year 5, pupils are introduced to the concept of reading and understanding numbers all the way up to one million. The 'Learn Together' section provides a clear and structured approach to familiarize students with large numbers and their place values. The lesson begins with an exercise that requires students to read numbers correctly, breaking them down into ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, and millions. This foundational understanding is crucial for students to confidently handle larger numbers in their mathematical journey.

For example, the number 125,143 is dissected to show its composition: 100,000 (one hundred thousand) + 20,000 (twenty thousand) + 5,000 (five thousand) + 100 (one hundred) + 40 (forty) + 3 (three). This breakdown helps students visualize how each digit contributes to the overall number, reinforcing their comprehension of place value. By learning to read and write numbers as a sum of their parts, students develop a stronger number sense and are better equipped to perform operations with larger numbers in future mathematical contexts.