Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Hundredths (1)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Hundredths (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 4 mathematics lesson about hundredths, students explore the concept of fractions and decimals through a hands-on activity. Toby starts by folding a square piece of paper into ten equal sections and colours one of them, while Han folds his paper into a hundred equal parts, colouring just one as well. This practical demonstration helps children visualise that each of Han's coloured sections represents one-hundredth of the entire square, which is written as the fraction 1/100 or the decimal 0.01. The pronunciation for this decimal is "zero point zero one," aiding students in connecting the written form with its spoken equivalent.

Building on this understanding, Han proceeds to colour additional squares, eventually shading 0.10 (or 0.1) of his paper, which is equivalent to the fraction Toby coloured on his paper. Through this activity, children learn that 10 out of 100 parts, which can be written as the fraction 10/100, simplifies to 1/10, and is expressed as the decimal 0.10 or simply 0.1. This reinforces the concept that while the representation of the fraction can change, the actual portion of the square coloured remains the same. The lesson prompts students to consider the amount of the square coloured, encouraging them to articulate their understanding of hundredths and the relationship between fractions and decimals.