Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Word problems

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Word problems
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths workbook for Year 4, Practice 4 presents word problems that encourage students to apply their mathematical knowledge to real-life situations. The first problem involves a fruit seller who has 327 strawberries left at the end of the day but had seven times as many in the morning. Students are asked to model the problem, determine the necessary calculations, estimate the number by rounding, and then solve the problem to find out how many strawberries the seller had in the morning. They must then relate their answer back to the context of the problem, reinforcing their understanding of multiplication and estimation.

The following problems continue to challenge students with practical scenarios. The second problem asks students to calculate the total hours Han's elder brother works over an eight-week period, and then to find out how much he earns, given his hourly wage. This requires students to multiply and then apply their multiplication skills to calculate the total earnings. The third problem involves counting fish in an aquarium, multiplying to find out how many goldfish there are based on the number of guppies, and then adding the two quantities to find the total number of fish. Lastly, the fourth problem sees Samir saving money daily to buy a bicycle. Students need to multiply the amount saved per day by the number of days to find the total savings, and then subtract the cost of the bicycle to determine how much money is left. These problems help students practice and enhance their skills in multiplication, addition, and subtraction within practical contexts.