Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Multiplication review

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Practice, Multiplication review
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 4 mathematics exercise focused on multiplication review, students are asked to consider what happens when any number is multiplied by zero. The concept is illustrated through a scenario involving counters. Jade has 20 counters, demonstrated by 2 multiplied by 10, while Tya has 10 counters, shown by 1 multiplied by 10. Han, however, has no counters, which is represented by 0 multiplied by 10, yielding a result of 0. This example sets the stage for a quick interaction between Toby and Padma, where Toby confidently answers "Zero!" before Padma can even finish her question about multiplying by zero. Toby's quick response indicates his understanding that any number multiplied by zero will always result in zero.

Following the conceptual explanation, the practice section invites students to mentally multiply various numbers by 10. This exercise includes numbers of increasing difficulty, such as 15, 56, 70, 123, 628, and 1,554. The activity reinforces the multiplication skills students have been learning and demonstrates the ease of multiplying by 10. To further solidify their understanding and provide additional practice, students are directed to workbook pages 58 to 59. This structured approach ensures that students not only learn the rule that any number times zero equals zero but also continue to develop their multiplication skills with larger numbers.