Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Subtracting 2- and 3-digit numbers using counting blocks and column method (2)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Subtracting 2- and 3-digit numbers using counting blocks and column method (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 4 curriculum, students are encouraged to practice their subtraction skills by using the column method to solve a series of problems. The exercises are designed to help them comfortably subtract both 2- and 3-digit numbers. The task begins with a 'Try it' section where students are presented with subtraction problems such as 487 minus 32 and 564 minus 14. These problems are laid out in a column format, which assists students in aligning the numbers correctly and understanding how to borrow from the higher place value when necessary.

The 'Let's Practise' section builds on this foundation by providing additional subtraction problems for students to complete, again using the column method. They are tasked with showing their working as they subtract numbers like 663 minus 410 and 407 minus 206. This step-by-step approach helps students to visualize the subtraction process and reinforces their understanding of the concept. To further solidify their skills, students are directed to workbook pages 47 to 53, where they can find more exercises and examples to work through, ensuring they gain proficiency in this essential mathematical operation.