Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Totals to 100 and totals to 1000

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Totals to 100 and totals to 1000
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 4, there's an engaging section on finding pairs that total to 100 and 1,000. It's a straightforward concept designed to help children understand how to complement numbers to reach a round figure. For example, to find the pair to 100 for the number 24, students are encouraged to first add a number to get to the nearest ten, which in this case is 30. From there, they calculate how many more tens are needed to make 100. The solution is found by adding 70 to 30, resulting in the pair for 24 being 76, since 24 plus 76 equals 100.

Similarly, for larger numbers totalling to 1,000, the method is just as simple but with higher values. Taking the number 450 as an example, children first find the amount needed to reach the next hundred, which is 500. Then, they determine what needs to be added to 500 to get 1,000. In this case, adding 500 to 500 gives the total of 1,000, meaning 450 pairs with 550 to reach 1,000. Another example is the number 650, where students add 50 to reach the next hundred, making 700, and then add 300 to arrive at a total of 1,000, hence, the pair for 650 is 350. These exercises help solidify students' understanding of number relationships and their ability to perform mental arithmetic with ease.