Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Review of equal sharing and equal grouping (1)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Review of equal sharing and equal grouping (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 3 mathematics exercise from Max Maths, students are invited to try their hand at understanding the concepts of equal sharing and equal grouping. The activity is designed to help solidify their grasp of division through practical examples involving dots and groups. The task begins with a simple instruction for the pupils to fill in the blanks provided in a series of statements and equations that describe scenarios of dots being distributed evenly into a certain number of groups or being grouped to form equal sets.

The first scenario (a) presents a number of dots that are split into an unspecified number of groups, with each group containing a certain number of dots. The students are required to determine the total number of dots and the number of groups to complete the division equation. Similarly, in scenario (b), the children are again given a situation where a number of dots are evenly divided into groups, and they must work out the missing values. The final scenario (c) flips the problem by providing the total number of dots and the size of each group, challenging the students to find out how many such groups can be formed. By completing these exercises, the children practice division in a way that enhances their understanding of how items can be shared equally or grouped together in mathematics.