Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Relating fractions to division (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Relating fractions to division (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a practical application of fractions, Year 3 students are tasked with dividing a sum of money equally among three friends. Han, Jade, and Toby have $15 to share, and the students must calculate how much each friend will receive. The exercise reinforces the concept that dividing by the number of people is equivalent to finding an equal fraction of the total amount. The students are guided to understand that one-third of $15 is the same as dividing $15 by three, which will give them the answer to how many dollars each friend gets.

The practice section of the lesson, titled 'Let's Practise', encourages students to apply their knowledge of fractions to division in various contexts. They are given a series of problems where they must find specific fractions of given numbers. For example, they are asked to calculate one quarter of 12, one tenth of 50, one third of 30, one half of 22, one quarter of 20, and one third of 6. Each question is designed to help students visualise fractions as another way of expressing division, thereby enhancing their understanding of how fractions relate to whole numbers. As part of their learning, students are directed to workbook pages for further exercises and practice.