Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Review of subtraction facts and mental subtraction (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Review of subtraction facts and mental subtraction (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 3 Max Maths curriculum, students are encouraged to enhance their mental arithmetic skills, particularly focusing on the subtraction of multiples of 10 from two-digit numbers. The learning method involves breaking down the two-digit number into tens and ones, which simplifies the mental subtraction process. For instance, when subtracting 20 from 67, students first separate 67 into 60 (tens) and 7 (ones). The next step is to subtract the multiple of 10, which in this case is 20, from the tens part of the number. So, 60 minus 20 equals 40. Lastly, the ones are added back to the result, giving the final answer: 40 plus 7 equals 47, meaning 67 minus 20 is 47.

Another example provided for practice is subtracting 10 from 39. This is approached by first splitting 39 into 30 (tens) and 9 (ones). The subtraction is then performed on the tens portion: 30 minus 10 equals 20. Finally, the ones are added to the tens, resulting in 20 plus 9, which is 29, confirming that 39 minus 10 is 29. Similarly, to subtract 60 from 85, students separate 85 into 80 (tens) and 5 (ones), subtract 60 from 80, which gives 20, and then add the 5 ones to arrive at the answer of 25. These exercises are designed to build confidence in mental subtraction and improve the speed and accuracy of students' mental calculations.