Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Adding 2-digit numbers mentally (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Adding 2-digit numbers mentally (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 3 mathematics lesson from Max Maths, students learn to add two-digit numbers mentally using different strategies. One of the exercises involves finding the sum of 28 and 14. The first approach (a) breaks down the numbers into tens and ones before combining them, starting with separating 28 into 20 and 8, and 14 into 10 and 4. These parts are then added together in steps: first adding the tens (20 + 10) to make 30, and then adding the ones (8 + 4) to make 12. The final step is to combine these two sums (30 + 12) to reach the total of 42.

Another strategy (b) involves using a number line to visualise the addition process. Starting at 28, students are encouraged to count on by 4, moving to the right on the number line, which takes them to 32. Following this, they add one ten (10) to the current total, which moves them further along the number line to the final sum of 42. This visual method helps students understand the concept of incrementally adding tens and ones, reinforcing their mental arithmetic skills. The lesson provides a clear and structured approach to adding two-digit numbers, ensuring that students can confidently calculate sums without the need for written methods.