Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, 2D shapes

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, 2D shapes
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths Year 2 curriculum, students explore the properties of 2D shapes through a variety of exercises. One such exercise involves a question about the characteristics of shapes, specifically focusing on the number of vertices and straight lines. Padma, a character in the exercise, suggests that a shape with four vertices and four straight lines must be a square. However, the text clarifies that Padma's assumption is incorrect, as rectangles also share these properties. This correction serves as a learning point for students to understand that both squares and rectangles have four vertices and four straight lines, but they differ in other attributes such as the equality of side lengths and angles.

The "Let's Try It" section of the lesson encourages students to apply their knowledge by writing the names of various 2D shapes provided in illustrations (a) to (d). This activity aims to reinforce the students' understanding and recognition of different shapes based on their properties. For further practice and in-depth learning, students are directed to workbook (WB) pages 62 to 65, where they can engage with more exercises and examples related to 2D shapes, enhancing their grasp of the topic within the context of the Max Maths programme.