Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Doubling and halving numbers

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Doubling and halving numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths Year 1 curriculum, young learners are introduced to the concepts of doubling and halving numbers in a fun and interactive way. The section titled 'Let's Learn Together' encourages children to explore these mathematical operations through practical examples. For instance, when presented with sets of cubes, children are asked to calculate the total number by using addition. If there are 4 cubes in each set, the children find out that 4 added to another 4 makes 8. This introduces them to the idea that doubling 4 equals 8. This method of learning helps to solidify their understanding of how numbers can be combined to create new totals.

Similarly, the lesson continues with another example featuring buttons. If there are 3 buttons in each set, students are prompted to use addition to find the total. By adding 3 and 3 together, they discover that the sum is 6. This illustrates the concept that double 3 is equal to 6. Through these simple and relatable examples, children learn to double numbers effectively. By engaging with real-world objects like cubes and buttons, they develop a concrete understanding of how doubling works, setting a strong foundation for further mathematical learning.