Vocabulary - Addition and Subtraction

Year 4
Vocabulary - Addition and Subtraction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
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The vocabulary list provided is a comprehensive collection of terms related to addition and subtraction, essential for Key Stage 2 mathematics. The terms are categorised to help students understand and use them correctly in various mathematical contexts. For addition, words such as 'add', 'plus', 'sum', and 'total' are used to describe the process of combining numbers to find their collective value. Phrases such as 'one more', 'ten more', and questions like 'how many more to make...?' assist students in understanding the incremental increase in quantity. 'Altogether' and 'double' signify the combining of amounts, while 'near double' is a strategy to estimate sums close to a doubled figure.

The subtraction section includes terminology like 'subtract', 'take away', and 'minus', which signify the removal of one number from another. 'Leave', 'left', and 'left over' are terms that help describe what remains after subtraction. To express a decrement in quantity, phrases like 'one less', 'ten less', or 'how many fewer' are used. Students are also taught to find the 'difference' between two numbers and to understand the concept of halving. Additionally, mathematical symbols such as the equals sign '=' are explained, along with terms like 'increase', 'decrease', and 'inverse operation', which are fundamental in understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction. Advanced concepts such as 'column addition', 'column subtraction', 'compensation', and 'decomposition' are included to develop proficiency in arithmetic operations. Tools like 'number bond' and 'number line' are also mentioned, which serve as visual aids to support students' mathematical learning.