Decimal - Multiply Decimals by Integers - Starter

Year 6
Decimal - Multiply Decimals by Integers - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The 'Starter' section of the Year 6 Spring Term Week 2 lesson plan includes a variety of exercises designed to enhance students' fluency with decimals and their ability to multiply them by integers. One of the tasks involves a 'Fluent in Four - Revision' activity where students are presented with a series of calculations and number problems to solve. For example, they are asked to add together numbers with different place values, such as forty-one ones and eighty-two hundreds, with additional tens, hundreds, and ones. This exercise aims to reinforce their understanding of place value and addition.

Another key part of the starter activities involves working with decimals in the context of division and multiplication. Students are required to divide numbers such as 235, 9,200, and 7 by 10, 100, and 1,000, respectively, to understand the effect of place value shifts in decimal numbers. Furthermore, they are tasked with completing a table where they convert numbers into digits and words, enhancing their number sense and representation skills. Additionally, they practice finding fractions of amounts, such as calculating five-sixths of 72, which involves both division and multiplication to reach the solution. These exercises help to solidify the students' numerical skills and prepare them for more complex mathematical concepts.

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