Decimal - Multiply Decimals by Integers - Planning

Year 6
Decimal - Multiply Decimals by Integers - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The curriculum for Year 6 students in the Spring term includes a focus on understanding and working with decimals, specifically multiplying decimals by integers. The National Curriculum objectives for this unit require students to grasp the value of digits up to three decimal places and to confidently multiply these numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000, as well as to multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers. The lesson plan incorporates a variety of activities that help consolidate this knowledge, including the use of worksheets, presentations, and place value counters, which serve as concrete resources to aid comprehension.

During the lesson, students will revisit previous learning before engaging in a series of activities designed to deepen their understanding of multiplying decimals by integers. The first activity involves using place value counters to visually represent the multiplication process, such as creating four groups of 1.121 and combining them to find the total. The lesson progresses with independent exercises and partner discussions that explore the concept of exchanging when a column exceeds nine counters. The students also encounter word problems that relate the method to real-world contexts, including standard units of measure and money. Key questions prompt students to think critically about place value and the size of decimals, while a plenary session addresses common misconceptions and reinforces learning outcomes. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of ability, ensuring that all students can progress towards fluency, expected standards, or greater depth in their understanding of multiplying decimals by integers.

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