Fractions - Mixed numbers to improper - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet provides a comprehensive approach to converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, aimed at enhancing students' fluency and precision in dealing with fractions. The National Curriculum objective covered in this lesson is to recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions, and to convert between the two forms while writing mathematical statements greater than 1 as a mixed number. For instance, converting the sum of 2/5 and 4/5, which equals 6/5, into the mixed number 1 1/5. To facilitate learning, resources such as differentiated sheets and teaching slides are suggested, along with a vocabulary list that includes terms like improper fractions, mixed numbers, convert, numerator, and denominator.
Children are encouraged to use concrete and pictorial methods to grasp the abstract concepts involved in the conversion process. It is important that they document their workings alongside these representations to clearly understand the link to the abstract method. The worksheet asks probing questions to deepen understanding, such as the number of quarters, halves, eighths, or fifths in a whole, and how multiplication aids in converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Students are also prompted to explain the steps involved in these conversions, using key vocabulary. The exercises involve using cubes to represent mixed numbers as improper fractions and then writing the solution next to these representations, ensuring that the connection to the abstract concept is made clear.