Fractions - Mixed numbers to improper - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The curriculum for Year 6 students in Autumn includes a focus on fractions, specifically on converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. The National Curriculum Objectives for this period involve adding and subtracting fractions with different denominations and mixed numbers, as well as multiplying pairs of proper fractions and simplifying the results. In the week's lesson, students will familiarise themselves with key vocabulary such as fractions, numerator, denominator, and improper fractions, among others. The lesson plan includes a variety of resources like cubes, worksheets, and presentations to help visualise and understand the conversion process. Students begin with a starter activity that recaps previous learning, then move on to activities that utilise concrete and pictorial methods to grasp the abstract concepts. For instance, they will learn how to convert a mixed number like 3 3/8 into an improper fraction using cubes, and through group work and discussion, they will explore different strategies to find all possible numerators for given conversions.
The lesson continues with further activities to reinforce the concept, such as using bar models to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions. This visual method helps students understand the relationship between the parts of a whole and the fraction's denominator. They are encouraged to discuss and identify efficient calculation methods for conversion, linking the pictorial representations to abstract calculations. By multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the numerator, students can swiftly convert mixed numbers to improper fractions. As the lesson concludes, students reflect on what they have learned and the skills they have used, such as grouping, counting, multiplication, and addition. The lesson plan is designed to cater to different levels of understanding, from working towards fluency to achieving greater depth, with differentiated activities and worksheets to support this progression. The aim is for students to be able to use both visual and abstract methods to confidently convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.