Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division - Long division - 4-digits by 2-digits (with remainders) - Starter

Year 6
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division - Long division - 4-digits by 2-digits  (with remainders) - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The lesson plan for Year 6, focusing on the Autumn Term's Week 6, Day 3, revolves around enhancing students' proficiency in long division, specifically dividing 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers and handling remainders. The starter activity, titled 'Fluent in Four - Revision', prompts pupils to exercise their arithmetic skills with a variety of calculations, such as multiplying and adding numbers. One of the tasks requires students to calculate the coordinates of the vertices of a shape, integrating their understanding of geometry with numerical operations. Another exercise involves a real-life application where students must interpret a table of temperature changes over time and then use this data to draw a graph, thereby linking mathematical concepts with practical situations.

During the lesson, students are encouraged to apply their knowledge of multiples and use long division to solve problems, such as dividing 751 by 13, which results in 57 with a remainder of 10. To aid in understanding the division process, a step-by-step breakdown of multiplying 13 by various numbers is provided, helping students to see the relationship between multiplication and division. This methodical approach not only reinforces their computational skills but also deepens their conceptual grasp of division. The lesson is structured to build confidence in handling more complex mathematical operations and to foster a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between different areas of mathematics.

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