Place value - Comparing/Ordering numbers to 100,000 - Presentation

Year 5
Place value - Comparing/Ordering numbers to 100,000 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The "Compare and Order" presentation is an engaging educational resource aimed at enhancing students' understanding of place value and their ability to compare and order numbers up to 100,000. Through a series of carefully structured activities, learners are encouraged to examine the value of digits in different place value positions, such as tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. The initial activities focus on ordering numbers in ascending or descending order, providing a visual representation of numbers broken down by place value to support comprehension.

Subsequent activities challenge students to use comparison symbols like less than (<), greater than (>), or equal to (=) to correctly relate numbers or mathematical statements. For example, they may be asked to compare the sum of two numbers against another sum, fostering their addition and comparison skills. The presentation also includes reasoning tasks where students must apply their knowledge of place value to form the greatest and smallest possible numbers from a selection of digits, or to create numbers that adhere to specific rules involving the difference between digits and the sum of all digits. These activities promote critical thinking and a deeper grasp of numerical concepts, encouraging learners to discuss the value of digits, the value of the whole number, and how different parts contribute to the whole.

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