Round Numbers up to 1 Million 4 - Reasoning

Year 5
Round Numbers up to 1 Million 4 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a reasoning task focused on number and place value for Year 5 students, the challenge is to create a number using the digits 1 to 7, each only once, to satisfy a set of given conditions. The number in question, when rounded to the nearest ten thousand, must equal 650,000, indicating that the tens of thousands digit should be 5 or higher to round up to this figure. Additionally, when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, the number should be 600,000, which means the hundred thousands digit must be less than halfway to the next hundred thousand. The number should also have 100 ones when rounded to the nearest hundred, and it must be greater than 646,000. The solution to these clues is to find the smallest number that meets all these criteria, which, after careful consideration, is determined to be 647,051.

This number, 647,051, is carefully constructed to align with the conditions: it rounds up to 650,000 when considering the nearest ten thousand due to the digit 5 in the ten thousand place. When looking at the nearest hundred thousand, it rounds down to 600,000 because the digit in the hundred thousand place is 6, not reaching the midpoint between 600,000 and 700,000. The digit 1 in the ones place ensures that when rounding to the nearest hundred, the number will indeed have 100 ones. Finally, the number is greater than 646,000, satisfying the last requirement. The task not only tests the pupils' understanding of rounding and place value but also their ability to apply logical reasoning to find a number that fits multiple constraints.