Add and Subtract with toy products - Practical Maths Activity

Year 2
Add and Subtract with toy products - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

An engaging practical maths activity designed for Year 2 students involves using toy products and money to practice addition and subtraction. This hands-on exercise helps children recall and use addition and subtraction facts up to 20 with fluency, aligning with the National Curriculum objectives. To set up the activity, you will need a toy shopping trolley, an assortment of toy products, and pretend or real money to simulate a supermarket shopping experience.

Begin by creating a simplified shopping list with approximately five items for the child to 'purchase'. Arrange price cards on a table, ensuring the prices are pitched at an appropriate level of difficulty for the child's age and ability. Spread out various denominations of pretend or real money on the table as well. The child is then tasked with selecting the items from the list and using the money provided to pay for their 'shopping'. To add a layer of complexity, give the child payment in notes, prompting them to round to the nearest number when necessary. Depending on their ability, you could also challenge them to calculate the correct change they should receive after their purchase, further reinforcing their arithmetic skills.