Add and Subtract with toy cars - Practical Maths Activity

Year 2
Add and Subtract with toy cars - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

A practical maths activity designed for Year 2 students involves using toy cars to help them recall and use addition and subtraction facts fluently up to 20, in line with the National Curriculum objectives. To prepare for the activity, one requires 12 small toy cars, tape, and a permanent marker. Each car is labelled with a number from 1 to 10 by placing a small piece of tape on the car and writing the number on it. Notably, the number 5 is written on two separate cars, resulting in a pair of cars both displaying the number 5.

The game begins by mixing up the numbered cars and then asking the child to pair them so that the sum of the numbers on each pair equals 10. This simple yet effective exercise aids in reinforcing their understanding of number bonds and addition. To add a twist and introduce subtraction, the adult can create pairs of cars with incorrect totals, presenting these to the child to correct. This variation of the game not only engages the child in addition but also encourages them to think critically about subtraction as they work to rectify the pairs to achieve the correct total.