Add and Subtract with deck of cards - Practical Maths Activity

Year 2
Add and Subtract with deck of cards - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

This practical maths activity is designed to help Year 2 students improve their addition and subtraction skills in a fun and engaging way. Using just a standard deck of cards, the game aligns with the National Curriculum objective of recalling and using addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently. This game is not only educational but also quick and easy to set up for a lively maths practice session.

To begin, split the deck of cards evenly between two players and place the stacks face down. Each player takes turns to draw a card from their pile and places it face up in the centre of the table. The objective is to quickly add the numbers on the two cards and call out the total sum. The first player to shout the correct answer earns a point. The game continues until one player reaches 10 points and is declared the winner. To adjust the level of challenge, you can modify the deck by removing certain cards or adding duplicates of others. For those seeking a more advanced level, using the full deck of cards can increase the complexity of the game.