Geometry movement 2 - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Geometry movement 2 - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The Geometry - Movement practical maths activity is an interactive and hands-on learning experience designed for Year 1 students. It aligns with the National Curriculum objectives, aiming to help children understand and describe position, direction, and movement, including whole, half, quarter, and three-quarter turns. For this activity, the necessary equipment includes programmable robots such as Beebots, along with paper and pens for recording instructions.

During the activity, children are organised into pairs or small groups, depending on the number of Beebots available. Each pair or group is provided with a Beebot, and they take turns in creating a sequence of directions for the Beebot to follow. The other pair or group then inputs these directions into the Beebot and observes the outcome. This exercise is not only fun but also educational, as it encourages problem-solving and resilience. When instructions do not yield the expected result, children must collaboratively discuss and identify errors, and then adjust their instructions accordingly. This iterative process enhances their understanding of geometry and movement through practical application.