Geometry movement 1 - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Geometry movement 1 - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a dynamic and engaging practical maths activity designed for Year 1 pupils, the focus is on the concept of geometry movement. This activity aims to help children grasp the fundamental ideas of position, direction, and movement, as outlined in the National Curriculum objectives. The objectives specifically covered include describing position, direction, and movement, incorporating whole, half, quarter, and three-quarter turns, which are crucial concepts for young learners to understand.

To set up this interactive lesson, teachers will need to create a maze in the playground or hall using materials such as rope, chalk, cones, or tape. The children are then paired up, with one child being blindfolded and the other taking on the role of the instructor. The instructor's task is to guide their partner through the maze using clear vocal commands that combine a direction with a specified number of steps, like "Forward 3 steps" or "Quarter turn and then 2 steps forward". This activity not only tests the children's understanding of directional language and spatial awareness but also encourages teamwork and communication skills. For an added challenge, the activity can be turned into a competition where each pair has only one attempt to navigate through the maze successfully.