Fractions - Treasure chest - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Fractions - Treasure chest - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Embarking on a delightful outdoor adventure, this practical maths activity is designed to make learning about fractions a fun and engaging experience for children. The game involves dividing the group into two teams and placing a 'treasure chest' for each team in the centre of their area. These chests are filled with objects that can be easily divided into fractions, such as Lego pieces. The objective of the game is to teach children how to recognise and work with fractions in a tangible way.

Each team is given a set of cards with various fractions written on them, such as "one half" or "three-quarters". The children then draw a card from their team's set and rush to their treasure chest to collect the exact fraction of objects specified by the card. The game is played simultaneously by both teams, adding an element of friendly competition as they race to be the first to correctly retrieve the fractions for all their cards. The necessary equipment for this activity includes the cards, a treasure chest, and small objects to fill the chest. This practical exercise aligns with the National Curriculum objectives for Year 1, which aim to help children recognise, find, and name a half as one of two equal parts, and a quarter as one of four equal parts, of an object, shape, or quantity.