Fractions - Test tubes - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Fractions - Test tubes - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Engaging young minds with a touch of creative roleplay, a practical maths activity centred around fractions invites children to step into the shoes of scientists. This hands-on experience involves filling toy test tubes with different levels of water, each representing a variety of fractions, and adding a splash of colour using food colourings. The test tubes are then marked with the corresponding fractions to visually demonstrate the concept of halves, quarters, and other fractional parts. This interactive setup allows children to observe and compare multiple fractions simultaneously, making abstract mathematical concepts tangible and easier to grasp.

In this activity, children work in small groups to closely examine the colourful test tubes, studying the different volumes of liquid that each contains. To deepen their understanding, the test tubes can be left unlabelled, challenging the children to estimate the fraction of the tube that is filled. This encourages them to apply their knowledge of fractions in a practical context. Additionally, experimenting with various sizes of test tubes adds another layer of complexity, prompting children to consider proportionality. The equipment needed for this activity includes toy test tubes, food colouring, and markers. This practical approach to learning fractions aligns with the National Curriculum objectives for Year 1, which involve recognising and naming halves and quarters as equal parts of objects, shapes, or quantities.