Fractions - Playdough - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Fractions - Playdough - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In this practical maths activity designed for Year 1 students, the concept of fractions is explored through a hands-on and engaging approach. Using playdough, plasticine, or clay, children are encouraged to create various shapes and then cut these shapes into different fractions such as halves and quarters. This tactile experience helps reinforce their understanding of fractions as equal parts of a whole.

To add an element of excitement and challenge, the activity is turned into a scavenger hunt. Sections of the shapes are hidden around the classroom, while the remaining parts are displayed on a table. Within a set time limit, the children must search for the hidden pieces and then match and assemble them with the corresponding pieces on the table. This task not only reinforces their knowledge of fractions but also develops their problem-solving skills and ability to work as a team. The necessary equipment for this activity includes playdough and cookie cutters. By participating in this activity, students meet the National Curriculum objectives for Year 1, which include recognising, finding, and naming a half as one of two equal parts, and a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape, or quantity.