Fractions - With paper plates - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Fractions - With paper plates - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Introducing fractions to young learners can be a fun and engaging process, especially when it involves a hands-on activity such as creating 'flower fractions'. To begin, teachers can prepare circles cut from coloured paper, ensuring that each circle matches the circumference of the paper plates that will be used. These circles are then divided into equal segments corresponding to the fraction being taught. For instance, to illustrate the fraction 1/5, the circle would be split into five equal 'slices', with each labelled as 1/5. Once the circles are prepared and labelled, they are glued onto the paper plates and, after the glue dries, the individual slices are cut out, representing the petals of a flower.

For the practical part of the activity, students are invited to assemble their flower fractions. This is done by drawing a large flower stem on a sheet of paper and having the children attach the petal slices at the top of the stem. This visual and tactile method helps reinforce the concept of fractions as parts of a whole in a creative and memorable way. The equipment needed for this activity includes paper plates, coloured paper, and markers. This practical maths activity aligns with the National Curriculum objectives for Year 1, which include recognising, finding, and naming a half as one of two equal parts, and a quarter as one of four equal parts, of an object, shape, or quantity.