Fractions - Chocolate bar - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Fractions - Chocolate bar - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Introducing fractions to young learners can be made both engaging and relatable by using everyday items, such as a chocolate bar, in a practical maths activity. The exercise begins by presenting a large chocolate bar to the class, which is then divided into segments to visually represent different fractions. The interactive element of the lesson helps to clarify the concept of fractions, as children are asked to compare sizes, such as determining whether ¼ or ½ of the chocolate bar is larger. By physically showing the different fraction sizes, students can more easily grasp the concept of fractions as parts of a whole.

As the activity concludes, the children are prompted to think about their personal preferences in relation to fractions, asking them which fraction of the chocolate bar they would choose and why. This part of the exercise not only reinforces their understanding of fraction sizes but also encourages them to articulate their reasoning, whether they would opt for ½ for having more chocolate or ¼ for having less, depending on their fondness for chocolate. The only equipment needed for this hands-on learning experience is a large chocolate bar. This practical approach to teaching fractions aligns with the National Curriculum objectives for Year 1, which include recognising, finding, and naming a half as one of two equal parts, and a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape, or quantity.