Fractions - Lego bricks - Practical Maths Activity

Year 1
Fractions - Lego bricks - Practical Maths Activity
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For Year 1 students, a practical maths activity involving LEGO bricks offers a tangible and visual method to grasp the concept of fractions. The necessary equipment includes a LEGO base plate and a variety of LEGO bricks. This hands-on approach aligns with the National Curriculum objectives, which aim to help children recognise and name fractions such as a half and a quarter, as one of two or four equal parts of an object, shape, or quantity, respectively.

Using LEGO bricks of different colours enhances the learning experience by visually demonstrating how various fractions constitute equal portions of a whole. Fractions such as one quarter (1/4), one half (1/2), and three quarters (3/4) can be effectively illustrated using this method. By constructing and deconstructing LEGO models, children can see firsthand how fractions come together to form a complete entity, making it an excellent tool for introducing or reinforcing their understanding of this fundamental mathematical concept.