Mass and capacity - Compare volume - Worksheet

Year 3
Mass and capacity - Compare volume - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheets provided are designed to help children understand and compare the volume of different containers. They build on the foundational knowledge from Year 1, distinguishing between capacity—the total amount a container can hold—and volume—the actual amount currently held within the container. Through practical investigation, students are encouraged to explore these concepts hands-on. The activity requires them to use comparative language, such as 'more', 'less', or 'equal', to describe the volume of liquids in various containers. By completing sentences on the worksheets, children will practice articulating their understanding of volume comparisons.

Further exercises challenge students to apply reasoning and problem-solving skills to scenarios involving the volume of water in bottles and glasses. They must identify which containers hold more or less liquid and explain their reasoning. These tasks not only reinforce their grasp of volume concepts but also develop their critical thinking and justification abilities. The worksheets include a variety of tasks, from filling in the blanks to explaining the mistakes made in given situations, catering to different levels of proficiency and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of volume comparison.

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