Fractions - Equivalent fractions - Presentation

Year 3
Fractions - Equivalent fractions - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive lesson on equivalent fractions, learners are encouraged to explore and understand the concept of fractions that have the same value but different forms. The lesson begins with a discussion on what 'equivalent' means and where students might have encountered the term before. They are then challenged to consider what fraction is equivalent to 1/2. The use of Cuisenaire rods or number rods is introduced as a visual aid to help students identify equivalent fractions; for example, they are asked to determine which rod represents the same value as a pink rod denoting one whole. This hands-on approach is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of how fractions can be expressed in different ways but still represent the same portion of a whole.

Further activities involve practical exercises such as folding paper strips into halves, quarters, and eighths to visually demonstrate how fractions like two quarters are equivalent to one half, and one quarter is equivalent to two eighths. Students are tasked with drawing bars on squared paper and dividing them into equal parts to investigate equivalent fractions and to understand the relationship between numerators and denominators. The lesson also includes reasoning challenges where students must identify odd fractions out or justify why a fraction can have an equivalent with a different denominator. Independent work encourages learners to use strips of paper to represent and explore equivalent fractions, fostering a hands-on and investigative approach to learning.

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