Length and Perimeter - Equivalent Lengths mm & cm​ - Worksheet

Year 3
Length and Perimeter - Equivalent Lengths mm & cm​ - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet in question is designed to help children understand and work with equivalent lengths in millimetres (mm) and centimetres (cm). It begins by reinforcing the basic conversion that 10 mm is equal to 1 cm. Students are then presented with a variety of tasks to apply this knowledge, such as converting multiples of 10 mm into centimetres and vice versa. The exercises include using number lines with and without marks to help visualise and compare lengths. The activities are aimed at improving fluency and precision in measuring and converting lengths, and include reasoning and problem-solving components to deepen understanding.

Further tasks on the worksheet challenge students to write measurements of blocks in both cm and mm, and then convert those measurements into just mm. For example, students are asked to determine how many millimetres are in 8 cm or convert a length of 14 cm and 9 mm into millimetres. The worksheet also includes a 'True or False' section where students must verify the accuracy of statements related to measurements, such as whether a ruler measures up to 30 cm. This section helps students spot and correct mistakes, such as mixing up cm and mm in their conversions. The worksheet is interactive and encourages active learning, with spaces for students to fill in their answers, promoting engagement and self-assessment.

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