Multiplication and division - Divide two digits by one digit 1 - Worksheet

Year 3
Multiplication and division - Divide two digits by one digit 1 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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Mastering the fundamentals of division, this worksheet is designed to help children understand how to divide two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers without remainders. The worksheet employs the use of place value counters, a tactile and visual tool that aids children in grasping the concept of division through concrete manipulation. To reinforce their learning, children are provided with pictorial images that work in conjunction with the place value counters to complete their calculations. This method of using visual aids is particularly helpful for visual learners who benefit from seeing the numbers represented in a more tangible form.

The worksheet progresses to challenge students with incomplete pictorial representations, pushing them to apply the division method they have learned to fill in the gaps. As they advance, students who demonstrate a good understanding of the division process without remainders are then tasked with solving two-step word problems. These problems not only test their division skills but also encourage them to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. The worksheet is a part of a series focused on fluency and precision in division, ensuring that students build a strong foundation in this essential mathematical operation.

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