Multiplication and division - Use Arrays - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The "Use Arrays" worksheet is a practical tool for teaching Year 6 students the concept of multiplication and division through visual representation. It aligns with the National Curriculum objective to demonstrate that multiplication can be performed in any order, a property known as commutativity, and to solve problems using arrays. Students are provided with differentiated sheets and teaching slides to aid their learning. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as multiplication, division, arrays, lots of, represent, commutative, and the language of 'lots of' is used interchangeably with the multiplication symbol to reinforce understanding.
During the lesson, children are encouraged to explore arrays to discover that multiplication facts such as 5 x 2 and 2 x 5 yield the same result, thus illustrating the commutative property of multiplication. They are tasked with completing number sentences to describe arrays and drawing arrays to represent multiplication statements like 2 x 4 = 4 x 2. Additionally, the worksheet includes reasoning and problem-solving activities where students must create various arrays with a set number of cubes, complete number sentences, and explain their thinking. For instance, they are asked to determine if 2 x 12 = 22 is correct and to explain their reasoning. This approach not only solidifies their understanding of arrays but also enhances their analytical thinking skills by solving word problems and engaging in discussions about the different ways to represent and solve arrays.