Multiplication and division - Multiplication equal groups - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Multiplication - Equal Groups" is designed to help Year 6 students master the concept of multiplication through the use of equal groups. The National Curriculum objective is to count in multiples of 4, 8, 50, and 100, and to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 times tables. To carry out the lesson, students will need differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and scissors and glue for some activities. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as 'equal groups', 'represent', and 'multiples', which are crucial for understanding the concept of multiplication.
During the lesson, children will revisit their understanding of recognising, making, and adding equal groups, setting the stage for more advanced learning. The worksheet prompts students to describe visible equal groups by completing sentences, encouraging them to articulate their understanding. They also have the opportunity to cut out questions, stick them into their books, and draw their own representations of the equal groups. The exercises aim to enhance fluency and precision, with additional reasoning and problem-solving tasks that challenge students to match equal groups and identify odd ones out, explaining their reasoning. This hands-on and reflective approach to learning multiplication aims to deepen students' comprehension and ability to represent mathematical concepts visually and verbally.