Place value - Number line to 1000 - Presentation

Year 3
Place value - Number line to 1000 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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Lesson 9 of a mathematics curriculum introduces students to the concept of using number lines up to 1,000. The focus of the lesson is on estimation, a skill that allows students to approximate the position of three-digit numbers on a number line. Through a series of activities, students are encouraged to discuss what it means to estimate and apply this understanding practically. For example, they are tasked with drawing arrows on a number line to indicate where numbers like 800 or 560 might fall. The lesson also explores intervals and how they can affect the placement of numbers on a number line, fostering a deeper comprehension of place value.

Further into the lesson, students engage with more complex tasks that involve identifying the closest value to a given number, such as which letter on a number line is nearest to 250 or 600. They are prompted to consider their starting point on the number line and the reasoning behind their estimations. In addition to fluency exercises, reasoning tasks challenge students to estimate where a number like 730 would be placed on different number lines and to explain the variance in position. The lesson culminates with independent work where students estimate the value of an unknown point 'A' on various number lines and justify their estimations, thereby reinforcing their understanding of number lines, intervals, and estimation within the context of place value up to 1,000.

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