Mass, Capacity, Temperature - Litres - Planning

Year 2
Mass, Capacity, Temperature - Litres - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second week of the Year 2 Summer term focused on Mass, Capacity, and Temperature, students explore the concept of volume with a particular emphasis on litres as a standard unit of measurement. The lesson introduces key vocabulary such as 'volume', 'measure', 'containers', and 'liquid', which are essential to understand the day's topic. The class begins with a starter activity where children answer questions to recap previous learning. The students then engage in a class discussion to explore the relationship between millilitres and litres, with practical examples to solidify their understanding. They also look at different containers and discuss how their capacity can be measured in both millilitres and litres, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two units.

During the lesson, students participate in various activities, including estimating and measuring the capacity of large containers in litres through hands-on group work. They are encouraged to reason and solve problems related to volume measurement, such as comparing volumes after transferring liquid between containers or solving measurement problems presented in the activities. Independent learning is facilitated through differentiated worksheets that cater to varying levels of understanding. The lesson aims to clear up common misconceptions, such as confusion between millilitres and litres, and to ensure that students can confidently measure and compare volumes using these units. The plenary includes a reflective 'Give me five' session where students consider what they've learned about measuring volume using litres, the skills they've used and found challenging, and what they will remember from the lesson. Differentiated outcomes are provided, with tasks adjusted to support students working towards expected levels and those capable of greater depth analysis, such as estimating with fewer visual aids.

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