Length and height - Measure length m - Starter

Year 2
Length and height - Measure length m - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a mathematics lesson intended for Year 2 during the first week of the summer term, students engage in a series of activities to strengthen their understanding of numbers and measurements. The lesson includes a "Fluent in Four" revision section where students are prompted to solve arithmetic problems, such as finding half of 62 and performing simple subtractions like 34 minus 28. This exercise is designed to build fluency in basic mathematical operations and number sense.

Alongside numerical exercises, the lesson incorporates practical measurement tasks. Students are instructed to choose a variety of objects and measure their length using a centimetre ruler, recording their findings in a table. This hands-on activity helps to solidify their grasp of length and the metric system. Additionally, comparative language skills are developed by using the terms 'longer' and 'shorter' to describe the relative lengths of objects, such as comparing the lengths of two pencils. The lesson also includes a problem-solving question that asks students to calculate the total amount of money in pence from given values, integrating their understanding of addition with financial literacy.

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