Length and height - Comparing length - Planning

Year 2
Length and height - Comparing length - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second week of the summer term, Year 2 students delve into the world of measurement, focusing on comparing lengths and heights. The National Curriculum objectives set the stage for practical learning, where children choose and use standard units such as metres and centimetres to estimate and measure various dimensions. The lesson's key vocabulary includes terms like 'metre', 'centimetre', 'length', and comparison phrases such as 'longer than', 'shorter than', 'tallest', and 'shortest', as well as symbols like '<', '>', and '='. Students are encouraged to visit a specific website that offers interactive games to practice measuring in centimetres, complementing the hands-on activities planned for the lesson.

The lesson begins with a starter activity to refresh previous knowledge, followed by class teaching input where students use their understanding of metric units to compare object lengths. They engage in practical activities, such as matching vocabulary cards with their meanings and measuring classroom objects to compare their lengths using the appropriate symbols. Through independent learning tasks and reasoning exercises, students apply their skills to solve problems and make comparisons, discussing and addressing any misconceptions along the way. The plenary session gives students a chance to reflect on their learning, focusing on the vocabulary and skills they have used, any challenges faced, and the support that helped them. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of proficiency, from working towards expected standards to achieving greater depth, ensuring all students are challenged and supported in their understanding of measurement.

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