Length and height - Compare lengths and heights - Planning

Year 2
Length and height - Compare lengths and heights - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 2 curriculum focused on Measurement, specifically Length and Height, students are introduced to the concept of comparing dimensions using standard units such as metres and centimetres. The National Curriculum objectives for this unit include estimating and measuring length, height, mass, temperature, and capacity with the appropriate tools like rulers and measuring vessels. Key vocabulary terms like 'centimetre', 'metre', 'length', 'height', 'long', 'short', 'tall', and comparative words such as 'longer', 'shorter', and 'taller' are emphasised. The lesson plan includes differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and practical objects for hands-on learning, all aimed at reinforcing the use of correct terminology when comparing lengths and heights.

During the lesson, children engage in a variety of activities that help them understand how to compare physical attributes of different objects. They start with selecting pairs of items to determine whether they are comparing length or height, ensuring they use the correct vocabulary to describe their observations. As they progress, they are encouraged to line up multiple objects to identify which is the longest, shortest, or tallest. The lesson also includes reasoning and problem-solving exercises where students read statements, identify errors, and improve the language used. The activities are designed to cater to different levels of understanding, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth', ensuring that all students are challenged according to their abilities. At the end of the lesson, students reflect on the vocabulary and skills they've learned, and what helped them during the lesson, with the aim of reinforcing their ability to accurately compare lengths and heights.

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