Properties of shape - Recognise 2D and 3D shapes - Planning

Year 2
Properties of shape - Recognise 2D and 3D shapes - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The Year 2 Geometry curriculum is designed to help students identify and describe the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes. The first week's focus is on recognising the number of sides and line symmetry in 2D shapes, as well as the number of edges, vertices, and faces in 3D shapes. Additionally, students learn to spot 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes, such as a circle on a cylinder or a triangle on a pyramid. The curriculum includes comparing and sorting a variety of common shapes and everyday objects. Key vocabulary terms such as rectangle, circle, square, hexagon, pentagon, and octagon for 2D shapes, and cone, cube, cylinder, sphere, and triangular prism for 3D shapes are introduced. Students are encouraged to use vocabulary cards and definitions available on the provided website to enhance their understanding.

The teaching plan includes a variety of activities to reinforce learning. Students start by recognising and naming 2D and 3D shapes on worksheets, followed by partner work to encourage discussion and use of full sentences. In one activity, shapes are placed in a 'feely bag', and children describe what they feel to identify the shape inside. A practical group activity involves a shape hunt around the school, where children use a tally chart to record their findings. Problem-solving exercises challenge students to distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes and to explain their reasoning using accurate mathematical language. The lesson aims to correct common misconceptions, such as confusion between squares and diamonds/rhombuses, by showing shapes in various orientations. Differentiated sheets are provided to cater to varying levels of understanding, from working towards expected standards to achieving greater depth in recognising and describing shapes.

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