Multiplication and division - Odd and even numbers - Planning

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Odd and even numbers - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 2 spring term, students embark on a week dedicated to understanding multiplication and division, with a particular focus on recognising odd and even numbers. The lesson provides a variety of resources such as differentiated activity sheets, teaching slides, and concrete resources like numicon, cubes, and pictorial images to support learning. Key vocabulary such as 'odd', 'even', and 'sets' are introduced, with additional materials like vocabulary cards available for reinforcement. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, where children reflect on their ability to identify odd and even numbers from Year 1, using concrete manipulatives to delve deeper into the structure of these numbers.

Interactive activities encourage students to use counters to divide numbers into two equal groups, determining whether the result is odd or even. They also explore how the shape of a number piece might indicate its parity. A practical task encourages children to sort various representations of numbers, including written words, numerals, and pictorial representations, into odd and even categories. The lesson advances to reasoning and problem-solving exercises, where students investigate patterns when adding odd and even numbers and express their understanding through concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations. Key questions prompt students to think critically about the characteristics of odd and even numbers and their patterns on a 100 square. The session concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, allowing children to articulate what they have learned, the skills they have used, and the strategies that assisted them, ensuring they remember the key concepts of the lesson. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of understanding, from those working towards recognising number structures to those at greater depth who formulate their own equations and explanations.

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