Multiplication and division - The 2 times table - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The lesson plan for Year 2 students in the spring term focuses on mastering the 2 times table within the context of multiplication and division. The lesson starts with a small step that includes a starter activity, where the children recap their understanding of multiplication, using visual aids like images and number tracks to count in twos. The class then moves on to using concrete resources such as cubes and squared paper to explore equal groups and the concept of the 2 times table. The key vocabulary for the session includes terms like 'multiplication', 'division', 'counting', 'equal', and 'groups', with resources available to support understanding of these terms.
During the lesson, children engage in a variety of activities. They begin by grouping objects in pairs, relating this to their previous work on groups, and writing multiplication statements. Further practice involves counting in multiples of two, both forwards and backwards, with an emphasis on starting at zero to understand that no groups equate to zero. In the final activity, the children determine the number of groups of two that make a total. Problem-solving and reasoning exercises challenge them to calculate missing numbers and discuss the properties of odd and even numbers. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they've learned and the skills they've used, such as counting in twos. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of understanding, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth', ensuring all children can progress at their own pace.