Multiplication and division - Recognise equal groups - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The Year 2 curriculum on multiplication and division introduces students to the concept of recognising equal groups. The National Curriculum objectives for this section include solving problems using various methods such as materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts. The key vocabulary focuses on terms like addition, multiplication, equal, unequal, represent, and repeated addition. Students are encouraged to understand these concepts without the immediate use of symbols, instead using language to describe the mathematical processes involved.
The lesson plan includes a variety of activities designed to help children identify and describe equal and unequal groups. Initially, students recap previous learning by using stem sentences to articulate the differences between equal and unequal groups, and why they are categorised as such. Following this, they engage in activities that further explore the meaning of 'equal' by distinguishing the number of items in each group and the total amount. The lesson progresses with partner work and problem-solving exercises that challenge students to apply their understanding and reasoning. As the lesson concludes, children reflect on what they have learned, the skills they have used, and the concepts they found challenging. Differentiated sheets are provided to cater to varying levels of proficiency, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth in representing mathematical statements in diverse ways.