Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers not crossing 10 - Starter

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Add two-digit numbers not crossing 10 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a mathematics lesson for Year 2, students focus on adding two-digit numbers without crossing the tens boundary. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where students practice quick calculations to build their fluency in addition and subtraction. The activities are designed to reinforce their understanding of number bonds and enable them to apply these to work out subtractions effectively. For example, they are tasked with solving problems such as calculating the sum of 7 and 11, and finding the difference in an equation like "_____ - _____ = _____", using the number bonds they know.

Additionally, the lesson includes practical measurement tasks where students use a ruler to determine the lengths of different coloured blocks, not drawn to scale. They are then asked to complete sentences identifying which block is the shortest and which is the longest. This exercise not only tests their measuring skills but also their ability to compare lengths. Moreover, the lesson incorporates a True or False section where students must verify statements such as "1 ten add half of six ones = 13" and correct them if necessary. This helps to develop their understanding of place value and basic arithmetic operations in a fun and interactive way.

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